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further sallee saaaale...Christina Henriette's Wedding Chest


Danke schon to the bride, Christina Henriette, for cherishing her wedding chest.  This beautiful early C19 locking, folk art painted, pine, drum-top, tapered bottom chest is my favourite thing in the emporium currently.  Christina's  darling German (or maybe Dutch) storage box, is in excellent condition aside from a  smattering of historic bug (commensurate with age and timber); great for treasure storage or blankets, linen.   The pretty folk art painted flowery panels are in earthy muted tones, and there are border motifs along the side walls too.  Cast iron handles.  1400 long, 800 deep, 1000 high.  Thank you Christina (and your legacy trail) for looking after your wedding chest.   Circa 1820.

Dimensions:  1200 Long, 630 Deepest, 870 Highest, 1100 Internal Length, 450 Internal floor, 540 Internal Height

Original price was: $2,795.00.Current price is: $1,695.00.

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